Montag, 17. November 2008

Colorconverter - a nifty tool

Economy-x-Talk has released a new version of the low-cost color conversion tool Color Converter. This little utility converts color codes. Available formats are RGB, CMYK, HSV, HEX (HTML colors) and RAL. This is very useful, if you are into WEB design, coding or design in general. Color Converter calculates color values from a selected color space into a number of other color spaces. Included are CMYK, HEX/HTML, HSV, RAL, RGB and XYZ. Color Converter displays an RGB-based brightness value, along with the color encodings. Color Converter also has a color picker, which allows you to get the color value of any pixel and any window of any program on your screen. The software is available for MS Windows XP and Vista, Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X 10.3 and higher, and Linux.

Make sure to check it out!

The reason why I was so quiet.


it has been a while since I was posting on this blog. The reason is that our office has been burgled. Someone just broke in and took all our machines. This threw us back for a while. Really. The main problem is that they did not only take our machines, but also our backup HDs with them and I can tell you that sucks big heap! We lost about 3 months of work. Our backup strategy only covered breaking machines and we wouldn´t have imagined someone breaking in and stealing external HDs that you can buy for 50 €s each. What do they expect to recieve for them? 1€? Anyways. We´ll get over it and already started working on recovering stuff from older backups and will be introducing new stuff soon. I´ll keep you posted.