Montag, 18. August 2008

So, what is an independent software developer?

An independent software developer creates, as you might have guessed, computer software. The difference to other software developers is, that he does not have a job. Let's face it. :O)

Seriously, there are different reasons why people decide to become indepent developers. I am because I am a specialist. I found my niche using a development system that is not yet wide spread. I learned a programming language that most people in the industry might have heard about, but not yet have used it themselves. I am using that system on a dayly basis since 2002 and am one of the folks in germany that train new developers and help out coding for other companies. Besides that, my company creates casual games. Those little games you enjoy playing during your coffee break. We have created an add on to our development system, that takes the hassle out of creating animation and solving geometric problems. We create software all the time. And we help with many different exciting projects. That's what I love most about my work as independent software developer.

Are we into websites? No we are not. If you are searching for someone to create a beautyful homepage, we are not your choice. We use internet technologies, we just do not build homepages ;-)

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